Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel the full range of emotions and experiences. It does not discriminate and it is pervasive throughout the world.
Traumatic events can be defined as experiences that put either a person or someone close to them at risk of serious harm or death. These can include road accidents, violence/prolonged abuse, natural disasters, serious illnesses.
Let’s look at more relevant events more closely.

Bullying is a deliberate and unsolicited action that occurs with the intent of inflicting social, emotional, physical, and/or psychological harm to someone who often is perceived as being less powerful. Bullying typically happens repeatedly and is a form of aggression and harassment that prevents someone from enjoying a safe, stress-free living, learning, or working environment
The harmful effects of bullying may be exacerbated by the frequency, pervasiveness, and severity of the behaviour, as well as the power differential between the perpetrator and the target.
Bullying can be physical (hitting, tripping, kicking, etc.), verbal (name calling, teasing, taunting, threatening, and sexual comments), and social (spreading rumours, embarrassing someone in public, being purposefully exclusive).
Being bullied can severely affect a child’s, teen’s, or adult’s self-image, social interactions, or school performance, and can lead to mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance use, not excluding suicidal thoughts and behaviours.
Community Violence
Community violence is exposure to intentional acts of interpersonal violence committed in public areas by individuals or groups of individuals who are not intimately related to the victim or victims.Bullying typically happens repeatedly and is a form of aggression and harassment that prevents someone from enjoying a safe, stress-free living, learning, or working environment
Common types of community violence that affect youth include individual and group conflicts (e.g., bullying, fights among gangs and other groups, shootings in public areas such as schools and communities, civil wars in some countries or “war-like” conditions in cities, spontaneous or terrorist attacks).
Some of the violent protests we have experienced in Kampala city in recent years are typical examples. Although people can anticipate some types of traumatic events, community violence can happen suddenly and without warning.

Some of the violent protests we have experienced in Kampala city in recent years are typical examples. Although people can anticipate some types of traumatic events, community violence can happen suddenly and without warning.
These events can lead to many adversities for children and families, including displacement, loss of home and personal property, changes in schools, economic hardship, loss of community and social supports, and even the injury and death of loved ones.
The annual landslides in Bududa and the recent flooding of Lake Victoria are clear examples of the traumatic impact of such a disaster.
Evidence of Acute Stress Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is clear and efforts have been made in many cases to provide psychosocial support in these communities. Treatment involves Psychiatric support, psychotherapy, and Behavioural Therapy.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence, occurs when an individual purposely causes harm or threatens the risk of harm to any past or current partner or spouse. While abuse often occurs as a pattern of controlling and coercive behaviour, an initial episode of abuse may also be cause for concern.
Tactics used in domestic violence can be physical, sexual, financial, verbal, or emotional in nature against the partner. Individuals may also experience stalking, terrorizing, blame, hurt, humiliation, manipulation, and intentional isolation from social supports and family.
Domestic violence also varies in frequency and severity. Children are often the hidden or silent victims of domestic violence, and some are directly injured, while others are frightened witnesses.

Other Forms Of Trauma
- Medical Trauma
- Traumatic Grief
Treatments Available At Break Free
- Behavior Therapy
- Cognitive Behavorial Therapy
- Psycodynamic Therapy
- Group therapy